CHARLIE APP is a FREE APP. AWRS admin will create account for the patient and AWRS qualified team wi...
CHARLIE APP is a FREE APP. AWRS admin will create account for the patient and AWRS qualified team will provide at-home detox service and monitor their health status. The patient can access the premium features of the APP.AWRS mission is to help those suffering from substance use disorders (SUD), and other Co-occurring mental health conditions to enter a life of meaningful recovery. **CHARLIE APP features: **• AccountsAccount creation is not allowed on CHARLIE APP. All accounts on the APP are created by the ADMIN only.• Patient AccountPatient account will be created by the admin to login into the app and use the premium features of the APP. Patient can edit their profile page as well by clicking on the edit profile page on the top under the logo• Daily check-in questionsThis is for the patient only section and to be filled daily by the patient.• Daily ResourcesThere are links on patient’s dashboard and are available for each patient to access.• Withings APP connection to CHARLIE APPWithings BPM device will be provided to each patient. AWRS qualified team will help the patient connect withings device with withings app. Then they login into patients AWRS account and connect withings app with CHARLIE APP. This is a onetime activity and CHARLIE APP will then gather blood pressure data twice a day. The patient will take the blood pressure reading by putting the withings device on and the withings app will record the blood pressure reading and from withings app that data will be pushed into CHARLIE APP.• AWRS Qualified TeamAWRS qualified team accounts (Counselor – Case Manager - Nurse) will be created by the admin only and they are assigned to each patient for the ultimate care. • Reach USPatient can reach the AWRS qualified team anytime by clicking on the reach us button which will send a push notification to AWRS team and the team will be notified to reach the patient immediately.• Schedule AppointmentsPatients can book appointments with their assigned counselor only by clicking on the schedule appointment button. It will take them to calendly booking page where they can book an appointment with the assigned counselor.• Withings BPM Monitor APPPatient can access withings app through AWRS app anytime by clicking on the BPM monitor button on the patient’s dashboard.• Counselor AccountCounselor can see the list of assigned patients and able to access each patient profile page where the counselor is able to view the daily blood pressure readings and leave notes. Only counselor can access the daily check-in questions filled by the patient.• Case Manager and NurseCase Manager and Nurse can see the list of assigned patients and able to access each patient profile page where they are able to view the daily blood pressure readings and leave notes.• Counselor, Case Manager and Nurse Profile PageThe AWRS team will have their own profile which can be accessed by the patients on their profile page to view the qualification education and about them section. AWRS team can edit their profile page as well by clicking on the edit profile page on the top under the logo.